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  • Dolphin Doc Plus 通用凝胶成像分析系统
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  • Dolphin Doc Plus 通用凝胶成像分析系统

        New milestone in gel documentation market, comprise with darkroom, room temperature12 bit digital B/W camera, manual adjustment lens, Epi-White light and 312 nm UV transilluminator allows to capture various images like X-ray film, SDS-PAGE and Agarose gel stained by EtBr, SYBR Green, SYBR Orange, SYPR Gold, Coomassie Blue, and silver stain. 

        1 D software package is the standard of the Dolphin-Doc plus system, the main function includes concisely image capturing interface, 3-D image profile display, image blending and labeling, operation quick guide, 8, 12, 16 bits pixel depth simulation, step-by-step motion tracking, precisely lane & band profile output aligns with lane image.

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    New milestone in gel documentation market, comprise with darkroom, room temperature12 bit digital B/W camera, manual adjustment lens, Epi-White light and 312 nm UV transilluminator allows to capture various images like X-ray film, SDS-PAGE and Agarose gel stained by EtBr, SYBR Green, SYBR Orange, SYPR Gold, Coomassie Blue, and silver stain. 

    1 D software package is the standard of the Dolphin-Doc plus system, the main function includes concisely image capturing interface, 3-D image profile display, image blending and labeling, operation quick guide, 8, 12, 16 bits pixel depth simulation, step-by-step motion tracking, precisely lane & band profile output aligns with lane image.

Dolphin-Doc Plus 凝胶成像系统


* 高灵敏度12bit CCD摄像头获取图像
* 节省空间的暗箱设计
* 反射白光及透射紫外光产生图像文件
* 180°全开门和便于操作的拖拽式结构
* 312 nm双强度紫外透射光源,便于分析和切割凝胶
* 由Dolphin-1D软件控制进行图像获取或分析
* 应用领域:荧光凝胶、PAGE胶、杂交膜、X光片、微量滴定板及克隆计数等的获取和检测分析

Dolphin-Doc Plus 凝胶成像技术指标

 传感器大小  7.60×6.20 mm
 分辨率  1360×1024 (-1.4 Mega)
 像素大小  4.65um×4.65um
 芯片大小  1/2"
 像素密度  12 bit
 动力学范围  3.6
 灰度  4096
 信噪比  56 dB
 冷却  环境
 镜头  49 mm, f1.2, 8-48mm(6X)手动变焦
 滤光片  琥珀色滤光片和2号近距离镜头
 控制界面  IEEE1394火线
 机箱尺寸  380×380×820 (W×D×H)
 光源  顶部双白光
 紫外透射光源  312 nm, 25×25 cm透射面积
 全开门  是
 拖拽结构  是
 门安全开关  是
 紫外光安全开关  是
 软件  Dolphin-1D分析软件
 热敏打印机  数字热敏打印机/激光/喷墨打印
 转换板  紫外/白光转换板
 紫外保护盖板  凝胶切割,显色
 电源系统  PIV*-2.6 GHz,1G RAM, Win XP/Vista/7, USB 2.0
 国际认证  欧盟CE认证
  • 购买人 会员级别 数量 属性 购买时间
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